Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The old times

The old times had cane they whack you with the cane.That is wont you sod not tire to do.Do not be lefd hand did.That all I need to say.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My groups Broad Beans

My groups is Broad Beans.The Broad Beans are very sron.The Broad

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Conors spich to the grad1s

At conors spich to the grad1s I wis shie to them she wis loning about the hret and the bones and the braen musls and diffrint sduff.So you no not evrething but the begning.That is the begning of conor spich to the grad1s the end.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Our fun Aborignal Excursion

At Our fun Aborignal Excursion we throw boomerangs and bosh working. I like seeing the dangdris things we got to hold them it wis a fun aborignal excursion for 3f from conor bowers the end.